
The Lab’s mission is to support socially-just, environmentally resilient, and healthy cities and regions, through technology, analytics and outreach.

Forum to bring together communities of interest: We provide a forum for researchers, government agencies, companies and non-profits with similar interests to come together to advance interdisciplinary research, critical thinking, and new insights, products, design and services in our priority areas. We can help facilitate exchanges among local and regional stakeholders, as well as international stakeholders.

Conduct research projects: We use cutting-edge analytics and deep domain knowledge to derive data-driven insights into multiple urban, transportation, social, health and policy sectors. We are also interested in developing novel and blended data streams using unique data sources and sensors, and to turn those data streams into actionable knowledge and design.

Provide support for data services in our priority areas: We have expertise in building data infrastructure and in providing consumers access to data services built on top of that infrastructure. We believe this approach is vital for data-driven approaches to have an impact on innovation, local economic development and community wellbeing.

Facilitate outreach and interactions with the community: Whether you are a company, a government agency, a hospital, a neighborhood, or a school, we can help you see the value of your data, and how you can turn your data into a resource. We support ethical AI and Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability data principles, and work within the framework of the university in providing research and services.